Warren Ellis mentioned my book on his blog!

Color me stoked! My first novel gets a nod from the Bearded Madman himself, the brains behind Transmetropolitan and Crooked Little Vein.

Thank you, Warren. Much appreciated.


P.S. I’m presently seeking representation.

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11 thoughts on “Warren Ellis mentioned my book on his blog!

  1. TWM – I just finished KnoWare Man. I think Mr. Ellis has more than good reason for rocking that shit on his front page.

    If you’d be so inclined, I’d like to do a feature on the novel for my site (www.omega-level.net). If you’d be down to answer some questions, just shoot me an email and I’ll get them to you. If not, no worries.

    Through and through, some of the most entertaining SF I’ve read a long while. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

  2. Hello TWM – just wanted to say I went to the lulu link Warren had posted, read the first couple pages and brought a hard copy of the book. When I started it last evening I could not put it down – I was up super late until I finished it. KnoWare Man’s future was believable, scary and interesting. Excellent job sir. I look forward to your next book.

  3. Hi – it’s Karen down the hall, the one who asked you to print that pic and it didn’t work out 😦 But I got it printed an he framed it today, I’ll show ya next week. My husband digs sci-fi, I just humor him, I’m a hoity toity classic literature kinda broad. Maybe I’ll get your book for him…

    I blog on here too, btw. I’m so trendy. http://wagnerowicz.wordpress.com/

    1. I like your writing style! Completely conversational, and full of interesting bits of NYC. Couldn’t find a way to subscribe automatically, so I guess I’ll just have to check back often. Thank you for reading!

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